Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Paris: Notre Dame

Back to Paris again, and the 19th of February:

After leaving the Louvre, I started making my way east toward the Notre Dame de Paris. But, I made one additional stop on the way: the Pont des Arts. Here I admired the thousands of ‘love locks’ affixed to the bridge for quite some time. If only Nic had been with me. Alas, since he wasn’t, after about twenty minutes of ruminating on mushy things, I continued on my way to Notre Dame.

Some of the 'love locks' on the Pont des Arts.

After carrying my backpack all day, I'm the new Hunchback!

The bells, the bells!

'You who seek help: Enter'

 Now, I have to say that—for me—there’s not too much to say about the famous cathedral. It’s a beautiful building, don’t get me wrong, but I was not able to see what constitutes its most noted area: namely, the bell towers. (They offered tours of it—but the line was far too long, and I was starving!) 

Instead I stuck to the interior, which featured beautiful stained glass windows!

After my abbreviated trip to Notre Dame—don't judge, I told you I was starving!—I crossed the road toward Aux Tours de Notre Dame, an indoor and outdoor cafĂ©, where I picked up one of the most amazing crepes I’ve ever had! Seriously, the woman made the crepe in front of me, and then added (at my request) Nutella and a banana. Tres magnifique!

(NB: This is not my photo!)

Stay tuuned, 'cause there's still more to come!

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