Tuesday, January 17, 2012

UEL Orientation (Day 2 of 3)

The second of three orientation days wasn’t terribly eventful. Neither, for that matter, was my day—meaning this will be short. All it consisted of was formally enrolling, having my visa checked by school officials, and getting my new student ID. 

(The ID is kind of interesting, but only because everything—and I mean EVERYTHING—is dependant on this little swipe card! Without it, you can’t even get into the bathroom, let alone your classroom or the building it’s in. Oh, and you even have to swipe it when you come into class, ’cause that’s how they track attendance.)

After that (about three hours total), I came home and did a bunch of UEL-related stuff on the computer (e.g., looking more into the various social groups on campus), spent a while in my quest for housing (no responses yet), ate dinner with KG and MM while watching the news, and then Skyped with the family.

Now, here it is at 10 PM GMT, and I’m ready for bed. Tomorrow should be a bit more interesting, mainly because it’s orientation for my program of study.

Going down…


  1. Poor guy. So uninspired. What groups did you look at?

    1. Well, today I looked at the triathlon club. Here is their full list of societies: http://www.uelunion.org/societies

      Most of them weren't represented yesterday, which is why I spent time looking them up. Their LGBTQ group seems to be pretty prominent, and they are very bold in their pro-trans stance, which is such a nice thing to see!
