Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The (Rambling) Media Edition: Part 1

(NB: I have no idea why the text-formatting is so funky starting with Topic #2. My apologies in advance!)

I’ve finally found my own flat in London, and am all moved in. (I’ll post pictures in a later post—I need to finish unpacking first.) I’m now living in the Borough of Newham, near Forest Gate. It’s very interesting, very ethnically diverse area. Of course, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t two KFC’s, a Subway, and a McDonalds within walking distance. Oh, and the new Westfield’s shopping mall is only a ten minute tube-ride away. *smdh*

At any rate, the flat is part of a converted single-family home above two shops, one a vegetable market and the other a “Euro style” (whatever that means) pizza and fried chicken joint. I imagine, in another time, the family that lived here probably ran one of the shops downstairs. There’s one kitchen, one bathroom, and four bedrooms (which serve as the individual ‘apartments’). I live on the middle floor, with the landlords (two Lithuanian brothers), and two other guys live in the apartments upstairs. Fortunately, most of them are out during the day, so it's relatively peaceful.

Oh, and have I mentioned the psychotic cat? Like my parents’ dog he's obsessed with my lower-half, so anytime I'm in the kitchen he bites and/or scratches me around the legs and feet. *Sigh*

This is really what the cat looks like...


  1. Brilliant Buddy! I admit that I was hooked on Eastenders right from the start back in 1986. There have been several episodes over the years that are true standouts, they usually only feature a Dialogue with two cast members Either fighting,Reminiscing or loving. and are like small plays -1 set,2people and great writing!

    One you should look up is a heartbreaking episode with Dot Cotton and her Best Friend Ethel Skinner. In the episode Ethel who is very ill asks dot a favor......

    1. A GREAT recommendation! I checked out that episode, and cried my eyes out, LOL!
